
How To Get Service Connected For Ptsd

If yous were recently diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), you aren't lone.

Co-ordinate to low estimates, at least thirty% of veterans are currently living with this condition.

You probably know that if you lot can get a VA rating for PTSD — you may have a rating already. What you lot may not know is that a hiatal hernia tin cause gastroesophageal reflux illness (GERD), and a hiatal hernia is secondary to PTSD.

Getting a GERD VA rating tin earn you even more VA benefits. That's why we're bringing you this guide.

Keep reading for everything you need to know about how PTSD can crusade GERD and other gastrointestinal disorders.

In this article about PTSD and its connection to GERD in veterans:

  • Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) Explained
    • GERD Symptoms
    • Causes of GERD
    • Risk Factors for GERD
    • Complications of GERD
    • GERD Treatments
  • GERD and PTSD
    • Exercise PTSD Medications Increase the Risk for GERD?
  • What Is a Secondary Service Connectedness?
    • How Secondary Disabilities Develop
    • Is GERD a Secondary Service Connectedness to PTSD?
  • Other Gastrointestinal Problems Secondary to PTSD
    • ane. Abdominal Pain Secondary to PTSD
    • 2. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Secondary to PTSD
    • 3. Gastric Ulcers
  • How to Become a GERD VA Rating as Hiatal Hernia Secondary to PTSD
    • Prove PTSD equally a Service Connection
    • Gather Prove, a Diagnosis, and a Nexus Alphabetic character
    • File Form 21-526b Via Ebenefits
  • Call a VA Benefits Attorney Today

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) Explained

GERD stands for gastroesophageal reflux disease and is the medical term for acid reflux. This condition is a gastrointestinal (GI) disorder. It occurs when stomach acid flows back into the esophagus and causes irritation.

This disorder is surprisingly common. Estimates suggest that as many as 20% of people develop GERD at some point in their lifetime.

GERD Symptoms

The primary symptom of GERD is heartburn. Heartburn is a burning feeling in the breast or tum, often directly subsequently eating. Other symptoms of GERD include:

  • Burping
  • Problem swallowing
  • Vomiting up nutrient
  • Feeling like there's a lump in your throat

People with GERD may also experience arm and shoulder pain. However, these symptoms are relatively rare and could exist a sign of another health upshot.

Picture of a man's hands over his chest like he has heartburn pain. Our title is to the left: VA disability for GERD: Service Connected or Secondary

Causes of GERD

GERD is an abnormal period of acid from the stomach dorsum to the throat.

Commonly, food flows from your mouth to your esophagus. It and so passes through the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). The LES closes to trap the nutrient and the acids that digest that food in the tummy.

When the LES doesn't shut properly during digestion, stomach acid tin period dorsum into your esophagus, causing GERD.

Adventure Factors for GERD

What leads to the LES failing to function properly? Scientists aren't exactly sure. What they practise know is that there are some risk factors correlated with GERD in adults.

Hiatal hernias are the superlative risk cistron for GERD. A hiatal hernia occurs when the stomach gets displaced into the diaphragm.

Not all hiatal hernias lead to GERD, though, and non all people with GERD have hiatal hernias. Risk factors for developing a hiatal hernia include age, obesity, and the use of tobacco products.

Aside from hiatal hernias, the risk factors for GERD include:

  • Smoking
  • Eating big portions
  • Eating subsequently in the evening
  • Having nutrient triggers
  • Drinking alcoholic beverages
  • Drinking caffeinated beverages

Using sure medications may also make you more likely to develop GERD. For instance, aspirin can cause acrid reflux and GERD.

Here are some tips on your C&P examination from one of our VA disability lawyers.

Complications of GERD

Failing to get GERD treated can lead to complications like chronic inflammation.

Inflammation can, in turn, cause damage to the LES (Lower Esophageal Sphincter). When the LES gets damaged, information technology may produce scar tissue, which volition restrict the esophagus and potentially lead to issues swallowing.

Another side outcome of untreated GERD is the formation of ulcers. Stomach acid can irritate the esophagus to the point of creating an open sore.

This tin can also lead to difficulty swallowing as well every bit pain and bleeding.

Finally, if yous don't encounter a doctor for GERD, you lot could increase your risk of esophageal cancer. This is why it's then critical to come across your md as before long as you realize you're dealing with GERD.

GERD Treatments

The proficient thing about GERD is that it's usually treatable with simple lifestyle changes. Quitting smoking, cutting back on alcoholic and caffeinated beverages, and fugitive food triggers can help reduce your symptoms.

Your physician may also recommend over-the-counter medications like antacids (e.g., TUMS) and H2 blockers (eastward.g., Pepcid). Over-the-counter or prescription proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) similar Prilosec can offering the near significant relief.

If medication and lifestyle changes don't convalesce your symptoms, your md may prescribe surgery.


Research shows that digestive issues are continued to PTSD.

For example, a 2017 study found that Vietnam veterans suffering from PTSD had a iii–8x greater chance of developing stomach ulcers, IBS, or constipation.

Meanwhile, the same study showed that individuals with PTSD are 2 times as likely to develop GERD. This is considering PTSD tin can crusade an increment in stomach acrid product. An overabundance of stomach acid can exacerbate GERD.

Just increased stomach acid isn't the only manner PTSD connects to digestive issues like GERD.

Proceed reading for three more reasons you lot may experience acid reflux after developing PTSD.

Practice PTSD Medications Increase the Risk for GERD?

Many people who have PTSD likewise suffer from anxiety and low.

A dr. volition then prescribe medications to aid care for those symptoms. Prescriptions for PTSD symptoms include anti-anxiety drugs and antidepressants.

Diazepam (Valium) and Lorazepam (Ativan) are anti-anxiety medications known to cause GERD. Acrid reflux is also symptomatic of tricyclic antidepressant utilize. This includes the use of imipramine (Tofranil) and amitriptyline (Endep).

A 2015 report found that people with feet had worsening symptoms of GERD. At the same fourth dimension, people with PTSD who also suffer from depression have markedly higher rates of stomach acid product.

We can't exactly say that PTSD symptoms similar anxiety and depressioncauseGERD. Simply the correlation betwixt these atmospheric condition is stiff plenty that the VA may grant a service connection for GERD secondary to anxiety and, therefore, PTSD.

What Is a Secondary Service Connection?

When determining disability ratings, the VA differentiates between direct and secondary service connections.

Direct service connections are weather caused by an event during your service. PTSD caused by the trauma you lot experienced while on active duty is a direct service connectedness. A tank driving over your foot is a direct service connection.

A secondary service connection is a status that develops because of the straight service connection. Your knee and lower back pain that happened due to the altered gait of your broken human foot (that got run over by a tank) is a secondary condition.

The VA considers PTSD and GERD secondary to sleep apnea. Also, erectile dysfunction (ED) and diverticulitis are secondary to PTSD.

There's even a growing body of testify that GERD has a secondary service connection because hiatal hernia is secondary to PTSD.

Why? Many people diagnosed with PTSD likewise take PTSD secondary weather condition. These disabilities are either caused or exacerbated by PTSD or medications taken for PTSD symptoms.

How Secondary Disabilities Develop

Secondary service connections develop in one of two ways.

The first choice is as a direct result of your directly service connection. The second option is as a upshot of medications you're taking for your service-related inability. If you have to have medicine for a service-connected disability, the side effects of that medication are a secondary service connectedness.

Is GERD a Secondary Service Connection to PTSD?

Yes, GERD is a secondary service connection to PTSD. Research shows that PTSD symptoms similar anxiety and depression tin pb to acid reflux. Plus, as we mentioned to a higher place, some medications for PTSD symptoms can cause GERD. If you lot search for GERD nether VA Disability on Reddit, yous'll see a lot of examples of vets winning and losing cases involving PTSD and GERD together. If you lot want to run into if they can combine to help you win your VA disability claim, call the states.

Other Gastrointestinal Problems Secondary to PTSD

By now, you may be wondering: are in that location whatever other digestive problems secondary to PTSD? Keep reading almost the top three gastrointestinal disabilities secondary to PTSD.

ane. Intestinal Pain Secondary to PTSD

If you lot experience abdominal pain that prevents you from working or living your life, yous tin can qualify for a VA disability. You lot may even be eligible for benefits if a doctor can't find the cause of your abdominal pain.

Abdominal hurting due to a GI disorder doesn't accept a specified rating. Instead, abdominal pain will exist treated equally a symptom of a similarly scheduled GI disorder.

For example, you tin can receive a rating for abdominal pain due to a hiatal hernia. You can too receive a secondary service connection to PTSD rating for abdominal hurting from a hiatal hernia.

ii. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Secondary to PTSD

The VA has a specific rating for IBS. But you tin only get upwardly to a xxx% inability rating for the nearly astringent symptoms of IBS.

If you lot qualify for a direct service disability for IBS, yous may likewise qualify for secondary service connections to IBS, including:

  • Colon polyps
  • Diverticulitis
  • Constant bowel pain

Alternatively, you could use for IBS every bit a secondary condition to PTSD. This is considering the symptoms of PTSD include stress and anxiety. And inquiry shows that both of these symptoms can crusade IBS. How is that possible? Stress and anxiety put your body and encephalon in a constant state of fight or flight. When this occurs, your brain secretes a hormone chosen corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF).

CRF regulates various processes, including contractions within the colon. In IBS, colon contractions are dysregulated, providing evidence of a link between this GI condition and PTSD.

Picture of a toilet with our title over the top: Irritable Bowel Syndrome VA Disability Benefits

The Ultimate Guide to Irritable Bowel Syndrome VA Inability

IBS can exist hard to diagnose, but the VA recognizes that information technology can be a service-continued disability.

iii. Gastric Ulcers

A gastric ulcer is an open sore inside your stomach. You can get a 10% to sixty% rating for gastric ulcers directly related to your service. The actual rating you lot go volition depend on the severity of your symptoms.

Mild gastric ulcers can earn you a ten% rating. The VA would consider your ulcer mild if information technology causes symptoms only a few times per year. The gastric ulcer should exist severe to become a 60% rating. Symptoms of a severe gastric ulcer include loss of appetite, weight loss, and vomiting food or even blood.

While stress solitary doesn't cause gastric ulcers, the symptoms of PTSD can increment the adventure of developing i. This is why so many veterans use for secondary service connections for PTSD-related stomach ulcers.

How to Go a GERD VA Rating as Hiatal Hernia Secondary to PTSD

The VA Rating tables for 2021 do non have a specific GERD VASRD code (Veterans Affairs Schedule for Rating Disabilities). Instead, the VA will rate y'all for a hiatal hernia, which, if you recall, is the leading cause of acrid reflux.

Yous can get a ten%–60% rating for hiatal hernia, depending on the severity of your symptoms. Yet, you must prove that you developed your hiatal hernia equally a result of injury during your service.

Other direct service connections that include GERD as a secondary disability include:

  • Sure respiratory diseases causing violent coughing
  • Peritoneal adhesions leading to scar tissue on the LES
  • Hormone imbalances due to exposure to toxic chemicals
  • Non-PTSD medications with heartburn as a side upshot

Otherwise, y'all must evidence that your acid reflux is secondary to hiatal hernia, PTSD, the use of PTSD medications, or some other acid reflux-related inability.

Here one of our VA disability lawyers goes over the questions Woods and Wood, The Veteran's Business firm, is often asked about veterans' disability claims and appeals.

Prove PTSD as a Service Connexion

To receive a secondary service connection, you must be receiving benefits for your disorder already. This means you need to have a pre-existing PTSD or hiatal hernia diagnosis and benefits before you tin apply for secondary service connection benefits.

If you need help applying for PTSD benefits, the lawyers at Forest and Forest LLC can aid.

Gather Evidence, a Diagnosis, and a Nexus Alphabetic character

Do you remember your acrid reflux symptoms stem from PTSD, PTSD medication, or some other direct service connection disability? Yous can then utilise for an increased VA rating.

Commencement, y'all need to gather evidence of your secondary service connection. You'll first want to go a formal diagnosis for GERD from your physician.

Your dr. should besides provide a medical opinion that your acid reflux is due to PTSD symptoms, medication, or some other direct service disability.

Sometimes, the VA might ask for boosted evidence. This includes statements from family or friends nearly your GERD symptoms and when they began. A personal statement may besides assistance determine your rating.

File Form 21-526b Via Ebenefits

The final step in the process of filing GERD as a secondary service disability is submitting your merits. Every bit with a direct service connectedness, you lot'll have to file a VA form 21-526. You lot tin file your claim online or in person at your local VA office.

Unfortunately, getting a secondary service connection benefit can be difficult. This is especially truthful if you're filing your secondary service inability merits on your ain.

Hiring an experienced VA benefits attorney can help you become approved the first time you apply. A lawyer may also aid you better your rating if y'all're unhappy with the results of your awarding.

Call a VA Benefits Attorney Today

At Woods and Wood, the Veteran's House, we've helped thousands of veterans with their VA disability applications and appeals. We've been adding staff and lawyers during the Covid pandemic to improve serve disabled veterans in difficult times.

Call us today to hash out your VA disability appeal or your commencement awarding. The call is free and we won't charge you a single fee until we win your case. Nosotros even pay for the postage for all of the documentation you send to our office. You tin can look for a VA inability attorney about you or call u.s. and join the thousands of veterans living off of VA inability thanks to Forest and Forest.

Talk to United states of america About Your Merits: (866) 232-5777

If I already get VA disability for PTSD, do I take to commencement all over to add together on GERD as a secondary service connection?

No, since you accept already proven a service-connected disability, one-half of the piece of work is all done! That doesn't mean adding more will become fast. Talk to your md and make sure you are getting a VA rating for all of the weather condition that you deserve. The more you can addition at once, the less time you'll have to wait to get the total bounty for your injuries.

Tin you get VA Disability for GERD?

Yeah, simply you might have to call it something else. Since the VA doesn't accept a VASRD code for GERD, you lot'd get it for diagnostic code 7346: Hiatial Hernia. The VA gives a lot of ratings like that. If you lot have a service-connected disability that isn't on their list, the VA is required to requite yous a rating based on the closest kind of condition that would end up with the highest rating. You tin can talk to our squad for free and we'll aid you lot apply for the almost accurate VA disability to your condition.


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