
How To Summon The Jar Fairy Cats And Soup

What does it accept to efficiently run a kitchen?

Is it the equipment and utensils within information technology? The staff, perhaps? How about the well-being of anyone within the kitchen itself? Does it have a Gordon Ramsay kind of person to be at the reins at all times? What nigh how the staff dresses itself? What if each member of the staff was a cat?

That last question wasn't us existence weird, it's something to tickle your imagination — what if you run a kitchen and every single member of your kitchen… is a cat? Enough of the questions, let'due south swoop right into the foreign globe of Cats & Soup.

cats & soup guide

Southward Korean developer HIDEA has just released an ambrosial true cat-themed game called Cats & Soup. Yous run and oversee the progress of a mysterious grouping of cats who decide to create dishes deep in a forest in the middle of nowhere.

As an idle game, Cats & Soup focuses on how you tin can best make a turn a profit from any and all of the humble dishes that your feline fry cooks put up for auction. The real challenge of Cats & Soup is making a good enough turn a profit to advance and better your kitchen'due south status.

If you've just begun and entered this nearly curious forest and you lot're looking to discover all the secrets of this game, read our Cats & Soup guide below!

1. Ads Requite Significant Boosts

You've seen them before, you lot'll see them once more. That's right folks, the ads have come to invade the immersion of your game!

But let's not become ahead of ourselves here. Though annoying and tedious, ads are really quite helpful in Cats & Soup and contribute to the much-needed improvement of your kitchen. They reward you lot handsomely and grant you some breathing time if you've been in-game for long. Hither are a few examples of where you will be prompted to watch ads:

Cooking Speed

cats & soup double cooking speed
Twice the speed, twice the flavor!

Afterwards watching an advert, your cats will be given a short flare-up of speed in cooking. Dishes will fly out onto the pass much quicker and you'll be able to make a killing out of them easier. Although temporary, this temporary boost should carry you forward by a lilliputian and can be repeated every now and so.

Extra Reward

cats & soup ads
Extra rewards? Permit'due south gooo!

Whenever you lot log back on, you'll find that in that location is a large pile of golden waiting for you. The corporeality this pile gives you tin can exist multiplied past two afterward watching a brusk advertising. Just like the cooking speed boost, this volition definitely come in handy in your quest to get a better kitchen.

Jar Fairy

cats & soup jar fairy
O anointed Jar Fairy, grant us your blessings!

The mighty Jar Fairy will occasionally offer you lot his blessings. Through watching an advertizing, you'll receive a large amount of golden and recipe points. How could you say no to that? The big guy's trying to make your kitchen better, besides.

Given that this game is of the idle variety, y'all'll accumulate resource better the more you let the game play itself. The side by side item in this guide could suggest what could be done to progress quicker.

2. Play This Game While You Practise Something Else

cats & soup idling
Sit dorsum and let them cook.

Cats & Soup doesn't require likewise much skill or concentration. True, there will exist a few things that may pop up hither and there (more on that later), just at its very core, this game tin exist left solitary for long periods of time. The thought of it sounds interesting, doesn't it? Leave the game to be and you'll have millions of golden past the terminate of the week. That isn't always the case.

There will be a climb in the numbers since your earnings greatly rely on the quality of your facilities and the dishes that come out. At that place are a lot of these things that affect the way your kitchen works, and so it'due south best to brand tweaks in your kitchen when yous're thoroughly engaged with the game. If yous aren't, try playing this game while yous're doing something else.

Information technology could be annihilation from reading a book, waiting for something to eddy, commuting to and from work or school, etc. Playing this game on the side of your real-life task should help you progress fifty-fifty faster. Before you know information technology, y'all'll be edifice more than facilities and you lot'll exist producing even more than dishes than before!

Leaving the game to play itself is i thing, but the reason why nosotros are hinting at selling the dishes immediately is coming upward adjacent.

3. Sell The Dishes Equally They Popular Upwardly

cats & soup half price
Await beneath: the ruby-red sale tag of doom! Dun dun dunnn!

Imagine cooking. At present imagine the nigh magnificent dish you lot've made. Now permit information technology sit out for a while without anyone touching it. Volition it get common cold? Probably. Will its quality deteriorate somewhat? Most definitely.

This is the exact same reason why you should exist selling any and all of the dishes your cats produce every bit they pop up. When the dishes are sold at a sale price (which is what happens when your pass is full if left to idle for likewise long), they don't earn very much. To keep this from happening, it's all-time that you sell the dishes yourself by borer them.

Yous'll earn what they're originally worth and you'll be using the full potential of your true cat chefs and their stations when this is washed. Quality beats quantity and it'due south quality that you'll exist spending for almost of the time.

You'll exist earning a lot, aye, only y'all'll have to spend your earnings to ensure the further improvement of your kitchen.

4. Spend Money To Make Coin

cats & soup upgrading
Meliorate tools, ameliorate income.

You lot look through your funds and yous'll be hit A'due south, B's, and C's quite early on. They're actually nice figures to look at and they really give you that sense of accomplishment. But why keep them there if y'all aren't gonna spend them?

This is a bit of a harsh reality, but you lot'll have to spend coin to make money. What we mean hither is that yous have to upgrade shops, buy new facilities, upgrade your recipes (they don't cost money, but still), and more.

When given suggestions for which facility to upgrade, go with them. You may spend your coin on upgrading that ane shiny new facility you just built, or, after following the suggestions, you can earn your expenditures back through the sheer quantity given to you past the other facilities.

The quondam is counterintuitive because you'll spend for something that doesn't bring fast money to you. Older facilities are much easier to upgrade and information technology's with these that you'll brand the bulk of your earnings.

cats & soup recipe upgrades
No more than dry soups and no more frozen stir fry!

Equally far equally recipes go, we tin can go with the same principle equally the facilities. The recipes too accept a suggestion feature, allowing you to earn more from older dishes equally opposed to the ones you have near recently unlocked.

Facilities and recipes help bring in a proficient chunk of earnings. Withal in that location are even more ways you tin can boost your earnings further.

5. Clothe And Name Your Cats For Easy Identification

cats & soup nyamagi
The plunger helps it stir the soup pot better. No, actually!

It'due south as this very header says!

The bonuses that come with dress are e'er in upshot even if they aren't equipped. You may earn more by opening treasure chests, but the existent reason why you should give clothes to your cat is considering y'all'll want to tell them all autonomously from each other. If naming every cat tickles your fancy (and it should considering naming cats is fun), do give each of them a proper noun you tin can easily remember.

cats & soup cat names
Why do the names make us call up of giant robots on Mars?

If you aren't sure how to proper noun your cats, an like shooting fish in a barrel way to give them names is based on their characteristics. For example, if the true cat has pronounced stripes on its coat, proper noun it "Stripes" or "Tiger". Another manner y'all can name your cats is by borrowing the names of characters from your favorite show, anime, video game franchise, movie, comic book, literary piece of work, and more. Let your imagination run wild for this one.

Pretty soon, you'll have a lot of cats in your kitchen and it may become confusing when you're trying to remember which cat is good at doing what. This is why names are important. If yous really can't recall of names, dress them upwards and endeavour to remember who they are. Names can't be beat, though, as information technology'll requite y'all that sense of familiarity with them.

But did you lot know that each of your cats are really full of innate talent? You lot just have to put them in the right facility.

6. Become The Right Cats For The Right Jobs

cats & soup special skill
Everyone's got a talent of some sort!

If y'all take a closer look at each of your cats, they have their own special skills. Some of them know how to brand juice better, others know how to chop carrots more than the residue, etc. It pays to give this item extra attention. The more than they produce, the more you will earn for the comeback of your kitchen.

cats & soup cat swap
Eugene here was built-in to shred cabbages.

But what if your facilities are already full and you have no thought how to motion them? Here'south how!

cats & soup swap 1

Tap on the cat card on the upper left part of the screen.

cats & soup swap 2

If a cat has a greyed-out skill, that means they aren't assigned to the facility they'll perform best in. Tap this icon and so tap the button with round-motion arrows to cull which cat should bandy with your present ane.

Just because a cat is at their favorite station doesn't mean they'll exist happy all the time. If you really desire them to be at their all-time, you should feed them.

7. Feed Your Cats

cats & soup mikazuki

Cats, much similar humans, go hungry. Crazy, we know!

First you volition have to become yourself some fish from the pond. Afterward exhausting all your tries, y'all should come back every then often here to become more. These fish are quite valuable as the overall happiness of a true cat directly affects the performance of the kitchen as a whole. Retrieve of it as how morale affects you at work. Nosotros're quite certain you'll agree to this, only if you work tired or unhappy, your output volition be sloppy and incoherent. You won't get paid much either.

Let'southward have a brief overview on how to fish, shall we?

cats & soup fishing 1
  • Watch the silhouettes of the fish and wait for them to approach the lure. Once they are close plenty make your thumb hover over the line-fishing button.
cats & soup fishing 2
  • The fish will nibble at the allurement but don't pull upwards the line too soon; yous will accept to offset over if y'all make this mistake. When the lure sinks, the fish has taken a bite. This is when you tap the angling button. If yous wait too long, the bait will exist lost and you volition fail to take hold of the fish.

The best part about angling is that you build a collection of the fish you've defenseless then far. Finding a group of fish that match together in the collection menu will requite your kitchen a permanent vitrify. These buffs may range from increases in food price to ingredient production or even recipe point bonuses. At that place is no reason for you to not fish.

Practise note that some fish have varying increases to your true cat'southward happiness level. While some of the more common ones (minnows) raise your cat's happiness points by 1, it really pays to save your more powerful fish. These fish should only be given to the virtually important cats.

All of your cats are special. Simply there are a select few of these who agree true power in your kitchen: these are the ones who are in charge of the main culinary facilities such as the one who stirs the soup pot, the 1 who makes juice, the one who cooks stir fry, etc. Focus on these cats virtually of all because they're the ones leading the accuse. If you have fish to spare, that's when yous feed the ones manning the ingredient stations.

With your cats nicely fed, perhaps it'south time to consider the best way you lot can earn your profit and that's through laying out your kitchen.

8. Opt For An Efficient Layout

cats & soup layout
Smooth operations.

Every kitchen has a layout.

Even in existent life — we all know where our stoves are, we know where our refrigerator is and where nosotros keep our seasoning, etc. It'due south this kind of setup that brings lodge and a flow of efficiency to our kitchen, especially when nosotros prepare our meals. The aforementioned can be said for your kitchen hither in Cats & Soup.

The way that the kitchen works in Cats & Soup, each true cat has a job to practice. Income is generated by the cooks and the ones helping them earn more are the cats that homo (or is it cat?) the ingredient stations. The ingredient cats volition run to the cook cats, empty their ingredient containers and run off to take a break at rest stations. These rest stations will generate recipe points afterwards that.

From the very beginning of the game, your main cat will be the ane stirring the soup pot. Keeping the other culinary facilities almost information technology will help the flow of the ingredient cats coming to it. As the wood grows, information technology will take a flake more than fourth dimension for one true cat to travel from their station to a melt cat'southward station, and so to a rest facility then back to their station. Consider the ideas beneath for a seamless menstruation:

  • Go on the cook cats in the middle, the ingredient cats to 1 side, and the rest facilities on the other. They won't accept likewise long to attain their residue facilities of selection simply there will be a filibuster when they need to go dorsum to their own station.
  • Put the melt cats on one extreme side, residue facilities in the center, and ingredient cats on the other side. As soon as the ingredient cats are washed interacting with the cooks, they will rest and so immediately return to their work stations. Going to the cook cats will require a flake of time, though.

There are many means you can do this, but settle for the one that works for you lot. Whatever you do, make sure that your facilities are not scattered. Not but will this somewhat ho-hum downwards the product of your dishes, but it may also confuse y'all since you wouldn't know which true cat belongs where.

And in this defoliation, you might fifty-fifty have a difficult time spotting the special events.

9. Pay Attention To Special Events

While the game is running, yous are jump to encounter special events.

These special events are quite important and only reward the nigh attentive of players. If the kitchen is left to idle, in that location's no way you tin get whatever of the prizes from these (unless they're ones that don't get away). Regardless, taking reward of these when they pop upwards offer huge boons to your progress.

The following are examples of special events:

Photo Op

cats & soup photo op
Say cheese!

Smile for the camera! One of your cats will desire to have a flick. Whether it's for posterity or simply because they're vain is unclear, but you lot will be paid a sum of coin should you lot snap that photographic camera. Just for fun, you may share it on social media, as well, if you wish.

Hot Air Balloon

cats & soup hot air balloon
Up, upward and away, my beautiful, my cute balloon…

Later on building the searchlight, you should feel this special event. Occasionally, a hot air airship ridden past a mouse volition fly over the kitchen. After tapping it repeatedly, the aureate should scatter all over the kitchen and the mouse comes down with it. Thankfully (or regrettably, depending on how you see this), the mouse scampers away to condom.

Frog Prince

cats & soup hot prince
Glace and slimy, but only on the exterior.

Every now and so, a mysterious frog volition appear in your kitchen. If you heed his special request, he will pay you a large sum of gilt and sometimes recipe points. This is rewarded to you lot after watching an advertising. Be warned that if y'all don't take hold of him straight away, he will vanish!

We've covered a lot of things to do to keep your kitchen wealthy. But nosotros have 1 terminal way for yous to get rewarded.

10. Do Daily Missions, Achievements, And Collections

cats & soup dailies
Off to work we go!

Daily missions are like quests on a board. These give y'all something new to practice every 24-hour interval and upon doing all of them, you are rewarded with aureate. Occasionally, these pay you in gems. After completing all of your daily missions, you lot have to scratch the top of the board to get a random bonus prize. Usually, you'll be given recipe points, simply it's all-time that you lot endeavor it yourself!

cats & soup achievements
It'south a long, long route ahead of you and your cats.

Achievements on the other hand are feats that you complete as you play. These aren't accomplished immediately, but once you practice, you lot are paid in gems. This is one of the better ways to go rich. Nevertheless, the secret to actually getting these gems is to non pay as well much attention to the achievements. Your side by side dish sold might but be an achievement on its own. Look out for these.

cats & soup collections
One down and many left to get.

Lastly, you lot have the collections. For example, some cats are matched together in different groups and upon completing a grouping, you gain a permanent bonus. The aforementioned applies to article of furniture and equipment. This is much like what nosotros discussed before about what you lot get from collecting fish.

Dissimilar fish, nonetheless, these are much more than difficult to consummate since cats come with new culinary facilities and those tend to exist quite expensive. Furniture and equipment are randomized as well. Every bit the cats seemingly come up from the stars, aim for the stars yourself and maybe you might be pond in gold or diamonds the adjacent fourth dimension you log in.

That's a wrap for our Cats & Soup guide! Just retrieve that diligence and attending is key whenever you play this game. While it'due south true that playing this game while you lot are preoccupied with something else is 1 way to play, attention rewards you lot with some interesting surprises. Meow get out there and make your kitchen purrfect!

Did nosotros miss anything? Do yous have some tips on running this feline kitchen better? Transport your thoughts over in the comments department beneath!


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